Tiko Mangos is a family-owned business dedicated to the production of fresh mango. Established in 1995, our company is located in the city of Los Mochis, Mexico. Tiko Mangos is devoted to growing high-quality mango for both domestic and international markets. Our mango trees thrive under our sustainable resource management strategy that ensures the well-being of the community. We aim to increase the quality of life of our employees and their families through employment and development opportunities.
Tiko Mangos strives to be a pioneer in the agriculture sector, moved by our values and commitment to our clients; we continue to produce superior and organic mangos. We optimize our natural resources and incorporate new technologies to guarantee a minimal environmental impact. Additionally, our organic practices and food-safety policies adhere to local and international guidelines, we focus our efforts to escalate the company’s competitivity and thus maintain its sustained progress within the regional agri-food business community.